Community Gardens
From 2010 - 2018, Grow Portland transformed underused land throughout Portland into thriving gardens. We built or sponsored multiple gardens that help people grow healthy food for their families and communities. Our work focused in East Portland, the most ethnically diverse and lowest income area of our city.
Grow Portland led the successful expansion of community garden access for refugees and immigrants, creating important healing spaces for families recovering from trauma and displacement. Our organization is now focused on school garden education through our Garden School program where we partner with regional schools. Community gardens are managed by our partners, the City of Portland Community Gardens Program and nonprofit, Outgrowing Hunger who can help interested gardeners enroll in a plot in these gardens.
Our community gardens work started at the height of the financial crisis when our region faced a huge waiting list for community garden plots. Grow Portland built and sponsored ten gardens throughout Portland, helping more than 5,000 new gardeners access land and resources— more than two-thirds of these gardeners are low income, refugees, immigrants and/or people of color.
Providence Elder Place Irvington Village: Accessible garden built in 2022 in partnership with Elder Place residents and staff. Grow Portland continued garden maintenance and guided garden sessions through 2024.
East County Community Garden (10,000 square feet built in 2010) located at 242nd and Stark was built by Grow Portland in partnership with the East County Church of Christ and is managed by Outgrowing Hunger.
Eastminster Community Garden (25,000 square feet built in 2012) located at NE Halsey and Ne 125th Ave. was built by Grow Portland in partnership with the Eastminster and Parkrose UCC congregations and is managed by the City of Portland.
Cesar Chavez Community Garden (10,000 square feet built in 2012) located near SE Cesar Chavez and SE Woodstock Blvd. We are working to raise funds to install a water meter at this location so this garden can continue into the future. Please donate to support this effort.
Neighborhoods Community Garden (80,000 square feet built in 2015) located on SE 162nd Ave, south of Stark was built by Grow Portland and Outgrowing Hunger (the current manager) in partnership with the Lynwood Friends Church. This is largest community garden in Portland!
139th Ave Community Garden (40,000 square feet built in 2014) located on 139th Ave south of Burnside was built by Grow Portland and is managed by Outgrowing Hunger.
Floyd Light Community Garden (18,000 square feet built in 2015) located on SE 111th south of Stark St on the eastside of Floyd Light Middle School was built by Grow Portland on land owned by the David Douglass School District and is managed by the City of Portland.
150th Ave Community Garden (40,000 square feet built in 2015) located near SE 150th and SE Division was built by Outgrowing Hunger (the current manager) with sponsorship from Grow Portland.
NE 33rd Community Farm (30,000 square feet built in 2015) located on NE 33rd north of Colombia Blvd was built by Grow Portland and Oregon Food Bank, who owns the land. The land is managed by Mudbone Grown with a focus on providing food and education for the African American community.
Wood Community Garden (30,000 built in 2018) located on 174th Ave north of Powell Blvd. north of the Wood Elementary School was built and is managed by the City of Portland with planning and fundraising support from Grow Portland. The land is owned by Centennial School District.
Market Street Community Garden (60,000 square feet, opening in 2019) located on SE Market and SE 101st is being built and managed by Outgrowing Hunger with sponsorship and planning from Grow Portland. The land is owned by Adventist Medical Center.
“Gardening allows me to relieve some of my daily anxiety and meet new people. At the same time, I can grow my own vegetables that are healthy for my family.”